Under WESET Project, RCREEE is hosting WESET Dissemination Webinar to take a closer look at some of the most important developments in the wind energy sector in Egypt as well as the future prospects. The webinar is scheduled to take place on June 29, 2020 at 11 AM – 12:30 PM Cairo Local Time (check your local time).
It will highlight the relevance of the WESET project outcomes to the current and future developments, with a special focus on the Course Modules created to introduce Wind Engineering in Higher Education Institutions from Egypt and Tunisia as well as the three Wind Engineering Centers established at ASU-FE, AASTMT and BUE to support the development of Wind Engineering in Egypt at academy, industry and official levels.
The webinar will tackle a number of topics including:
- Egypt’s Renewable Energy Strategic Objectives
- Wind energy in Egypt: potential, status and future prospects
- Jobs and skills needed to support wind energy development in Egypt
- The role of academic institutions in addressing wind energy sector challenges and needs
- Highlights of WESET Course Modules created to introduce wind engineering on academic level
- The facilities and services provided by the Wind Engineering Centers established at ASU-FE, AASTMT and BUE
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