The WESET Project aims at
- Transferring knowledge and technology among experts in European, Egyptian and Tunisian institutions in the field of Wind Engineering.
- Strengthening the links between academic institutions and industry in order to train engineers in the skills needed to support industrial growth in the wind energy sector.
- Promoting Bologna Process standards in the in South Mediterranean region, with a focus on employability.
- The consortium will develop modules and laboratories suitable for capacity building in Wind Energy for on-campus teaching in Egypt and Tunisia, linked with their national industries. Training materials will be produced for four Master modules, in English and French.
- A pilot test of the training materials will be carried out in Egyptian and Tunisian partner institutions, after which, the training materials will be openly distributed and promoted.
- Egyptian and Tunisian academic staff and master students with great potential will be trained in Europe using the Train the Trainer Approach in real-life Wind Engineering aspects and in the use of the training materials.
- Five Wind Energy Centers will be created (one at each Egyptian and Tunisian institution). The staff trained will support the Wind Energy centres to sustain the project after its completion.
Expected outcomes
- Course Modules will be created to introduce Wind Engineering in Higher Education Institutions from Egypt and Tunisia, adapted to their specific characteristics, which will be pilot tested on 5 Higher Education Institutions from both countries
- 5 Wind Engineering centres will be created to support the development of Wind Engineering in Egypt and Tunisia at Academy, Industry and Official levels.